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Thomastik Vision
Thomastik Vision
Thomastik Vision violin strings. The sound of Vision strings is focused, clear, open and brilliant.
Vision strings can be mixed with almost any synthetic core string



Finest Quality Ebony violin top nuts viola top nuts & cello top nuts. Please select top nut required Sent by 1st class post


violin adjuster Loop


violin string adjuster loop end for fine tuning (for loop ended E strings)


violin adjuster loop protector


Loop E string protector, pack of eight


violin adjuster standard Black


Violin string adjuster and cello string adjuster black for fine tuning


violin adjuster standard Gilded


Violin string adjuster for fine tuning gilded adjuster for violin only


violin adjuster standard Nickel


violin string adjuster,viola string adjuster and cello string adjuster for fine tuning nickel standard adjuster


violin end pin


violin endpins and viola endpins in Ebony, Rosewood and Boxwood Sent by 1st class post

violin string adjuster on string adjuster


on string violin adjuster / fine tuner / string tuner


Violin varnish brushes


Quality smooth German made natural flat bristle violin varnishing brushes in four sizes


violin varnish oil


violin oil varnish 100ml glass jars suitable for violin viola & cello, ingredients- Sandrac, Mastic & Turpetine Oil.


violin viola and cello chromatic tuner


Great Value All-in-One Automatic/Manual violin viola & cello tuner and pitch-setter (chromatic tuner) Variable Setting Metronome Built in Microphone Supplied with Clip-on Instrument Mic takes 2x AAA Batteries (Supplied) Posted out 1st class

Wolf note eliminator


cello wolf note eliminator violin & viola wolf note eliminator Sent by 1st class post


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